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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Update 7.5 Patch Notes Reveal Bug Fixes

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor released a new patch today, continuing its attempt to clean up the game post-launch.

Respawn Entertainment released Patch 7.5 today, a month after the last update. A blog post on publisher Electronic Art’s website details the contents of the patch. The fixes apply across all platforms, aiding in improved performance overall. Unlike the patch in September, Patch 7.5 only contains a few fixes.

What’s in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor’s Patch 7.5?

EA thanked Star Wars Jedi: Survivor players for their support, noting that the team continues to work to improve the game’s performance. When the Fallen Order sequel released in April, fans and critics complained of massive performance issues across platforms. Despite the issues, reviews deemed it a solid entry in the series, leading to continued support post-launch.

In September, Respawn and EA launched Patch 7 in an effort to improve Performance Mode and Quality Mode. One of the chief complaints around Star Wars Jedi: Survivor post-launch centered around its boasted 60 frames per second. In Patch 7, the team removed ray tracing in Performance Mode, something it claims would stabilize the FPS. Quality Mode received an update that Respawn claimed would prevent FPS fluctuations.

In Patch 7.5, Respawn focused on issues surrounding the disabled ray tracing. Noted issues included problems with binocular beacons not working and poor graphic quality on reflections without ray tracing enabled.

The fixes are as follows:

  • Fixes for creature & vehicle animations
  • Fix for binocular beacons not working when ray tracing is disabled
  • Quality improvement for reflections when ray tracing is disabled

Despite the performance issues with Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Respawn Entertainment confirmed plans for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One editions during an earnings call. However, it remains unclear when the game will come to PS4. According to Respawn, the team remains focused on smoothing out performance issues on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S|X, and PC.