During the Readvent of Calamity side quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’ll need to find Ulrika after she’s driven out of Melve. When she’s driven from the village by Martin, the Queen’s representative, Ser Lennart asks you to find her as he fears she plans to take on the dragon herself. You might think that she’s hiding nearby, but the trek to find her is a long, arduous, and potentially fruitless one.
Where do you find Ulrika in Dragon’s Dogma 2 in the Readvent of Calamity side quest?

After Ulrika leaves Melve in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you must track her down. However, you won’t find her near the town. Instead, she somehow makes it all the way to Harve Village, which is a long haul from where you are now.
If you already visited Harve Village and interacted with the Portcrystal there, then you can just pop a Ferrystone and travel there instantly. However, you may want to head there on foot because it seems like this quest might be bugged.
The way the quest is supposed to play out is that you go to Harve Village and see that Ulrika is arguing with the town chief there. However, she didn’t appear for me, and the quest stalled out, and eventually, the Readvent of Calamity quest auto-failed.
It wasn’t until later in the game, when I had to return to Harve Village as part of the main story, that Ulrika showed up. Unfortunately, speaking with her didn’t fix Readvent of Calamity, so it just never completed for me.
So, if you end up never finding Ulrika, you’re likely suffering from the same bug as I did. Fortunately, even if this happens, she doesn’t disappear from the game, which is great because she’s pretty much the only waifu material in Dragon’s Dogma 2.