Before you can sneak Magistrate Waldhar out of the dungeon in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’ll need to find “a place with plenty of tomes.” However, this part of The Caged Magistrate quest leaves you to fend for yourself as the location isn’t marked on your map. So, where will you find a bunch of books to coax the Magistrate out?
Where to find a location with plenty of tomes in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Finding the location with plenty of tomes in Dragon’s Dogma 2 isn’t as tough as it seems at first. You won’t get a quest marker on your map, but you can get a big clue in the right direction by talking to Captain Brant after visiting Magistrate Waldhar in his cell.
Captain Brant will point you toward Kendrick in the Vernworth Slums. You’ll find him near The Gracious Hand church, and he’ll ask for donations. Giving him a food item and 1,000 Gold will complete his first quest.
Talk to Kendrick again, and you’ll start The Heel of History side quest. Kendrick will explain that one of the local children, Malcolm, has gone missing. You’ll need to talk to the three kids nearby to determine where he went. They’ll clue you in that Malcolm was looking for treasure in the nearby ruined tower.
Report back to Kendrick; he’ll lead you to the tower and clear the rubble blocking the entrance. Now, just head through the dungeon, and you’ll find Malcolm in a room full of books.
Now that you’ve found a location with plenty of tomes, you can sneak back into the dungeon under the castle and inform Magistrate Waldhar of your discovery. He will then follow you out of his cell to freedom. We suggest you exit through the secret passage in the nearby cell, as it’s much easier to sneak past guards using this path.
After exiting the dungeon, Waldhar will head to the slums. Then, you can report your success to Captain Brant.