Guides - PlayStation LifeStyle PS5, PS4, PS Plus, and PSN News, Guides, Trophies, Reviews, and More! Mon, 15 Apr 2024 15:53:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Guides - PlayStation LifeStyle 32 32 215717071 Dragon’s Dogma 2: Find Ambrosius Location in A New Godsway Quest Fri, 22 Mar 2024 04:40:55 +0000 Where did this haughty wizard go?

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Dragons Dogma 2 Find Ambrosius Location A New Godsway

You may have trouble finding Ambrosius in Dragon’s Dogma 2 when you’re bringing him the Godsbane. He moves from his first position on the coast and the quest marker is exceptionally unhelpful. Additionally, his entry in the NPC log technically gives you the wrong location as to where he can be found. Fortunately, finding Ambrosius in the A New Godsway quest isn’t too tough.

Where do I find Ambrosius in A New Godsway quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

Dragons Dogma 2 Find Ambrosius Profile

The first few times you speak with Ambrosius in Dragon’s Dogma 2, he’s found on the coast to the northeast of Bakbattahl. However, once he tasks you to obtain the Godsbane, he moves elsewhere.

Once you obtain the sword and head back to turn it in, you’ll get a quest marker that seems to indicate that Ambrosius is in the Empress’s Chambers in the Flamebearer Palace. However, when you enter the room, it’s empty. So, where has he gone?

Ambrosius can be found in the Forbidden Magick Research Lab. He just so happens to be in a room directly below the Empress’s Chambers. However, you’re told that only authorized personnel can enter the lab, so how are you supposed to get in?

Well, it turns out that the security leading into the lab is a lot more laid back than you’re led to believe. I was able to enter the facility with no issue through the entrance near the Bakbattahl Gaol. None of the NPCs aggroed or ever questioned why I was there.

It’s possible that Ambrosius told security to let us in, but he fails to mention that or the fact that he’s moving to the lab. Fortunately, the path to him isn’t as arduous as it seems at first, and you can easily reach him and move on to the next part of the A New Godsway quest.

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Dragon’s Dogma 2: Where is a Place With Plenty of Tomes for Magistrate Waldhar? Fri, 22 Mar 2024 04:02:00 +0000 A secret library.

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Dragons Dogma 2 Plenty of Tomes Location Magistrate

Before you can sneak Magistrate Waldhar out of the dungeon in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’ll need to find “a place with plenty of tomes.” However, this part of The Caged Magistrate quest leaves you to fend for yourself as the location isn’t marked on your map. So, where will you find a bunch of books to coax the Magistrate out?

Where to find a location with plenty of tomes in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Dragons Dogma 2 Plenty of Tomes Location Map

Finding the location with plenty of tomes in Dragon’s Dogma 2 isn’t as tough as it seems at first. You won’t get a quest marker on your map, but you can get a big clue in the right direction by talking to Captain Brant after visiting Magistrate Waldhar in his cell.

Captain Brant will point you toward Kendrick in the Vernworth Slums. You’ll find him near The Gracious Hand church, and he’ll ask for donations. Giving him a food item and 1,000 Gold will complete his first quest.

Talk to Kendrick again, and you’ll start The Heel of History side quest. Kendrick will explain that one of the local children, Malcolm, has gone missing. You’ll need to talk to the three kids nearby to determine where he went. They’ll clue you in that Malcolm was looking for treasure in the nearby ruined tower.

Report back to Kendrick; he’ll lead you to the tower and clear the rubble blocking the entrance. Now, just head through the dungeon, and you’ll find Malcolm in a room full of books.

Now that you’ve found a location with plenty of tomes, you can sneak back into the dungeon under the castle and inform Magistrate Waldhar of your discovery. He will then follow you out of his cell to freedom. We suggest you exit through the secret passage in the nearby cell, as it’s much easier to sneak past guards using this path.

After exiting the dungeon, Waldhar will head to the slums. Then, you can report your success to Captain Brant.

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Dragon’s Dogma 2 False Sovran Masquerade Location in The Stolen Throne Quest Fri, 22 Mar 2024 04:01:00 +0000 You’ll need to approach the False Sovran in Dragon’s Dogma 2 at a masquerade. However, you’ll likely have issues finding the Sovran’s location because of how oddly this quest plays out. Fortunately, completing The Stolen Throne quest is easy once you know how to find him. Where is the False Sovran at the masquerade in […]

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Dragons Dogma 2 False Sovran Masquerade Location

You’ll need to approach the False Sovran in Dragon’s Dogma 2 at a masquerade. However, you’ll likely have issues finding the Sovran’s location because of how oddly this quest plays out. Fortunately, completing The Stolen Throne quest is easy once you know how to find him.

Where is the False Sovran at the masquerade in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

Dragons Dogma 2 False Sovran Location Map

You’re not given much info when you start The Stolen Throne quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Captain Brant wants you to sneak into the masquerade held on the palace grounds and approach the False Sovran. He then gives you the Eventide Mask and leaves you to figure out the details.

To find the False Sovran, you’ll need to do two things:

  • Find the formal rainment.
  • Attend the masquerade.

Find the formal rainment

The first thing you need to do is get the formal rainment to wear to the masquerade. This is composed of the Courtly Tunic and Courtly Breaches. We’ve found two places you can find them:

Chest in the castle interior (follow Captain Brent’s double agent to head in the rear entrance).
Found in the upstairs of the Comptroller’s Home in the Noble Quarter.

Once you’ve got the Courtly Tunic and Courtly Breaches, put them on along with the Eventide Mask. Then, wait until it’s night and head to the location marked on the map for The Stolen Throne quest.

Attend the masquerade

Dragons Dogma 2 False Sovran Rose Chalet

If you reach the building marked on the map and the masquerade isn’t being held, head to the nearest bench and skip a day. It occurred every other day, so once you reach night again and return, you should be good to go.

When you enter the masquerade, you’ll see a short cutscene of the False Sovran walking down a corridor. Now, you probably think that you need to talk to the NPCs and that the False Sovran is somewhere inside the building marked on the map. Well, you’re wrong. Contrary to everything the game seems to be telling you, he’s in another building.

If you check the wall at the rear of the building, you’ll eventually discover a secret passage leading to the Rose Chateau. However, I didn’t find this passage because there is no clue that it’s there. Instead, I left the masquerade and looped around to the Rose Chateau since it’s the closest building you can enter. If you take this route, head upstairs and look around until you trigger a cutscene.

During the cutscene, you’ll see evidence that the False Solvran is a crook. You’ll then need to return to the bar and inform Captain Brant of your findings to complete the quest.

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Dragon’s Dogma 2 Best Starting Class: What Should My First Vocation Be? Fri, 22 Mar 2024 04:00:00 +0000 Oh, oh, oh it's magic.

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Dragons Dogma 2 Best Starting Class First Vocation

The choice of which vocation to start with in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is clear. Of the four you get to choose from, one of them stands out as the best first class for players. So, if you want the smoothest possible beginning to your journey, read on to find out which job new players should choose.

What’s the best starting vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

Dragons Dogma 2 Best Class Mage

The best starting class in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is the Mage. Mage is by far the best vocation to begin the game with for multiple reasons:

  • It has a free healing spell.
  • All its attacks are medium or long-range.
  • Its attacks cause Area of Effect damage.
  • It can easily exploit elemental weaknesses.
  • It gains the ability to levitate.

When playing as a Mage in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you can basically let your Pawns charge forth and handle the dirty work while you hang back and act as artillery. When they take damage, you can call them back to your side, cast Anodyne for an area of effect heal, and then send them back out to fight.

We recommend using the following abilities as they become unlocked:

  • Flagration/High Flagration: Flamethrower-like medium-range attack that sprays in a fan in front of the player and passes through enemies.
  • Levin/High Levin: Calls down several bolts of lightning and allows you to keep summoning bolts by tapping the button.
  • Frigor/High Frigor: Conjures a pillar of ice from the ground.
  • Empyrean/High Empyrean: Summons an orb of light above enemies that deals area of effect holy damage.

Your first job in battle is to find the elemental weakness of whatever foe you’re fighting. Once you notice which attack does more damage, just spam that. Most enemies have elemental weaknesses, and even those that don’t are still susceptible to magic damage.

You should also pick up the core skills for the Mage as quickly as possible. In particular, Quickspell lets you charge your spells much quicker at the expense of stamina.

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Dragon’s Dogma 2: Where to Find Ulrika Location in Readvent of Calamity Fri, 22 Mar 2024 03:49:32 +0000 Bring our waifu back!

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Dragons Dogma 2 Find Ulrika

During the Readvent of Calamity side quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’ll need to find Ulrika after she’s driven out of Melve. When she’s driven from the village by Martin, the Queen’s representative, Ser Lennart asks you to find her as he fears she plans to take on the dragon herself. You might think that she’s hiding nearby, but the trek to find her is a long, arduous, and potentially fruitless one.

Where do you find Ulrika in Dragon’s Dogma 2 in the Readvent of Calamity side quest?

Dragons Dogma 2 find Ulrika Lennart

After Ulrika leaves Melve in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you must track her down. However, you won’t find her near the town. Instead, she somehow makes it all the way to Harve Village, which is a long haul from where you are now.

If you already visited Harve Village and interacted with the Portcrystal there, then you can just pop a Ferrystone and travel there instantly. However, you may want to head there on foot because it seems like this quest might be bugged.

The way the quest is supposed to play out is that you go to Harve Village and see that Ulrika is arguing with the town chief there. However, she didn’t appear for me, and the quest stalled out, and eventually, the Readvent of Calamity quest auto-failed.

It wasn’t until later in the game, when I had to return to Harve Village as part of the main story, that Ulrika showed up. Unfortunately, speaking with her didn’t fix Readvent of Calamity, so it just never completed for me.

So, if you end up never finding Ulrika, you’re likely suffering from the same bug as I did. Fortunately, even if this happens, she doesn’t disappear from the game, which is great because she’s pretty much the only waifu material in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

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Stardew Valley 1.6 Beginner’s Guide: First Week Walkthrough Thu, 21 Mar 2024 03:43:20 +0000 Get past the most tedious part.

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Stardew Valley Beginners Guide First Week Walkthrough

If you want to get started with a new save in Stardew Valley 1.6, you’ll find the beginning of the game hasn’t changed much. The latest update adds plenty, but the content in the first week remains much the same as it has been since the game’s release. Fortunately, that means this beginner’s guide applies no matter what version you play.

We’ll cover what you should do during your first week in Stardew Valley. If you follow this walkthrough, you’ll have a firm foundation on which to proceed through the rest of the game. Just be aware that this game is like an onion, and the further you pursue any aspect of it, the more layers you’ll peel back and discover.

Stardew Valley First Week Walkthrough

Our guide to your first week in Stardew Valley will familiarize you with various gameplay systems that are easy for new players to overlook. While this isn’t a “hard” game in the traditional sense, it doesn’t go out of its way things out. So, following this guide will let you know several activities you can spend your time with.

However, this guide doesn’t aim to optimize any particular aspect of your playthrough. If you want to ensure you’re making the most money or growing the most crops at the end of the first week, you’ll want to look elsewhere.

Stardew Valley Day 1 Guide

Stardew Valley Day One Map
  1. Plant your first crop.
  2. Craft a chest.
  3. Head into town.
  4. Buy more seeds.
  5. Explore the area.
  6. Return home and plant your remaining seeds.

Plant your first crop.

As soon as you start your first day, you can grab the seeds from inside your house and work on getting them planted. Clear space for a small field, plant your parsnip seeds, then water them with the water can.

Craft a chest

Keeping your items organized is one of the trickiest parts of Stardew Valley. Do yourself a favor and collect 50 pieces of wood to craft a chest before you run out of space in your inventory.

Head into town.

Now, take the east path out of your farm and make your way to Pelican Town.

Buy more seeds.

You can visit Pierre’s General Store to pick up more Parsnip Seeds. You’ll have a much larger first harvest if you go ahead and invest the time to plant more on your first day.

Explore the area.

Take some time to walk around Pelican Town and the surrounding area. Talk with the NPCs you run into and start memorizing the map.

Return home and plant your remaining seeds.

Before it gets too late, head back to your farm and plant any remaining seeds you have on hand. Don’t forget to water them!

Stardew Valley Day 2 Guide

Stardew Valley Day Two Map
  1. Do morning chores.
  2. Meet Willy at the Beach.
  3. Do some fishing (optional).
  4. Buy more seeds (optional).
  5. Meet more villagers.

Do morning chores.

You’ll start most days out by watering your crops. You’ll also want to check the mail. Today, you’ll receive a letter from Willy.

Meet Willy at the Beach.

On Day 2 you can head to the beach and meet Willy on the pier. He’ll give you the Bamboo Pole.

Do some fishing (optional).

If you’re so inclined, you can start fishing. You can sell fish or eat them to regain some energy.

Buy more seeds (optional)

If you want to put a second round of Parsnips in, today is a great day to do so.

Meet more villagers

Do your best to meet most of the villagers you didn’t on the first day.

Stardew Valley Day 3 Guide

Stardew Valley Day Three Map
  1. Clear more farmland (optional)
  2. Finish meeting NPCs.
  3. Go fishing.
  4. Do some foraging and explore.

Clear more farmland (optional)

Day 3 is always rainy, so you get to skip your chores. It’s a good idea to use the extra time to clear more farmland and gather wood.

Finish meeting NPCs.

You should definitely finish the Introductions quest so you can move on to the next. Complete your goal of meeting all 28 NPCs today.

Go fishing.

Catch some fish to use for extra energy on Day 5.

Do some foraging and explore.

Forage in the forest for items and continue exploring the map.

Stardew Valley Day 4 Guide

Stardew Valley Day Four Map
  1. Do morning chores.
  2. Clear land.
  3. Continue to forage and fish.

Do morning chores.

Water those crops.

Clear land.

Continue your cleanup operation. There’s not much going on during Day 4, so it’s a great time to make a big push. You’ll be unlocking new activities soon and won’t feel like clearing your farm with so much to do.

Continue to forage and fish.

Stocking up on stamina-replenishing items is a good idea. Also, you can sell some off for a quick profit.

Stardew Valley Day 5 Guide

Stardew Valley Day Five Map
  1. Adopt a pet!
  2. Do morning chores.
  3. Harvest crops.
  4. Visit the Community Center.
  5. Sell crops in town.
  6. Buy more seeds.
  7. Visit the Mines.
  8. Collect one Copper Ore.
  9. Visit the Traveling Cart.
  10. Plant new crops.

Adopt a pet!

You’ll get the opportunity to adopt a cat or dog as soon as you step out of your house. Lucky!

Do morning chores.

Remember to water any growing crops and fill your pet’s bowl.

Harvest crops.

The Parsnips you planted on the first day should be ready for harvest now. Grab them up immediately.

Visit the Community Center

Enter the town from the Bus Stop between 8 am and 1 pm to trigger the cutscene, introducing you to the Community Center. If you choose to take the Community Center path, you’ll spend a lot of time here, so get used to it.

Sell crops in town.

Head to Pierre’s General Store and sell your Parsnips. This should net you a tidy profit.

Buy more seeds.

You’ll want to take the money you just earned and invest it in seeds for your next crop. You can stick with Parsnips or move to something else, like Potatoes.

Visit the Mines.

On Day 5, the path to the Mines is unblocked. You can head to the northeast part of the map to find the entrance to this area. From this point on, you can visit it to search for ore, stone, geodes, minerals, artifacts, and more. Beware, there are monsters here that you’ll need to fight.

Collect one Copper Ore.

Make sure to collect one Copper Ore to trigger an event on Day 6.

Visit the Traveling Cart

Every Friday and Sunday, the Traveling Cart will set up shop in the forest south of the farm. It has ten random items, a piece of furniture, and occasionally a special stock item for sale each time it appears. You’ll want to visit it each time it’s available because you can find some extremely rare items for sale here.

Plant new crops.

End your day by planting any seeds you have available. Again, don’t forget to water them!

Stardew Valley Day 6 Guide

Stardew Valley Day Six Map
  1. Meet Clint the Blacksmith.
  2. Check the mail.
  3. Do morning chores.
  4. Craft a Scarecrow.
  5. Meet the Wizard.
  6. Work on proficiencies.

Meet Clint the Blacksmith.

If you grabbed one Copper Ore on Day 5, Clint the Blacksmith will show up when you exit your house. He’ll tell you about upgrading your tools, which is one of the major goals in the game.

Check the mail.

If you visit the Community Center, you’ll get a letter from the Wizard on Day 6. You’ll want to visit him so you can get started with the bundle quests in the Community Center.

Do morning chores

Don’t forget to water everything!

Craft a scarecrow.

If you have more than 15 crops growing, there’s a chance that the crows will eat them, so you’ll want to craft scarecrows to prevent this from occurring. To craft a scarecrow, you need:

  • Wood x50
  • Coal x1
  • Fiber x20

Since you need access to the Mine to get coal, Day 5 is the earliest you can craft a Scarecrow.

Meet the Wizard.

Proceed to the western part of Cindersap Forest to find the Wizard’s Tower. When you visit him, he’ll give you the ability to decipher the bundle requests in the Community Center, allowing you to start those quests.

Work on proficiencies.

Keep up foraging, fishing, and mining to increase your proficiency in these activities.

Stardew Valley Day 7 Guide

Stardew Valley Day Seven Map
  1. Watch Queen of Sauce.
  2. Do morning chores.
  3. Visit Traveling Cart
  4. Work on remaining quests.
  5. Work on proficiencies.

Watch Queen of Sauce

Every Sunday for the first two years of the game, you can watch Queen of Sauce on TV to learn a new recipe. Don’t worry if you miss one, though. There’s a re-run each Wednesday.

Do morning chores.

Get them crops watered!

Visit Traveling Cart.

Check out the Traveling Cart for rare items.

Work on remaining quests.

You should have a few quests you still need to finish at this point. Spend some time completing them.

Work on proficiencies.

Keep gaining XP in fishing, foraging, and mining.

What to do in Stardew Valley after the first week

If you follow this walkthrough, you should have a clear idea of what to do next in Stardew Valley. Here’s what your objectives should be on Day 8 and beyond:

  • Complete Community Center Bundles.
  • Continue to plant and harvest crops.
  • Talk with the NPCs you like and improve your relationship.
  • Continue to fish, mine, and forage to increase your skills.
  • Work toward tool upgrades.
  • Start thinking about expanding your farm and adding new buildings.

You’ll learn more about the game’s various systems as you work toward these goals. Additionally, more activities and opportunities will unlock as time passes.

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Helldivers 2 How to Play Solo: Is There a Single-Player Mode? Thu, 14 Mar 2024 21:31:37 +0000 How to go lone wolf.

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Helldivers 2 Play Solo Single Player

Playing Helldivers 2 solo is a unique challenge, diverging from the game’s core design as a cooperative multiplayer experience. If you’re inclined to tackle the game’s formidable enemies and intricate objectives in single-player, here’s what you need to know.

How to play Helldivers 2 solo

Helldivers 2 Solo Matchmaking Settings

While Helldivers 2 is inherently designed for group play, with missions that scale in complexity and difficulty, playing solo is not impossible.

To set up a Helldivers 2 solo game:

  • Navigate to the game’s menu and locate the options section.
  • Look for the setting for Matchmaking Privacy.
  • By default, this is set to Public, meaning anyone can join your game.
  • Change this setting to Friends Only.

This effectively turns off matchmaking, meaning you’ll launch on each deployment solo unless you specifically invite friends to your party.

Is there a Helldivers 2 single-player mode?

There isn’t a single-player mode or campaign in Helldivers 2. The game was made so that players can deploy together online, working together to fight alien threats that put humanity in danger. Because there isn’t an official single-player campaign, those who play alone must complete the same tasks and deal with the same difficulty level as troopers who play with others. No changes are made to make the game easier or harder for single players.

The only way to play Helldivers 2 by yourself is to change your Matchmaking Privacy settings, which is more of a workaround. This lets you play alone, but the game’s concept and goals make it clear that you should work with a squad. However, even if you’re playing Helldivers alone, talking to other solo players in the community can help you figure out how to handle the game’s tasks independently.

Taking on Helldivers 2 by yourself is a unique and challenging way to play the game. Solo play is a fun, if difficult, opportunity to improve your skills or a great way to enjoy the solitude of playing alone.

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Is There a Helldivers 2 Friend Request Not Working Bug Fix? Thu, 14 Mar 2024 18:05:00 +0000 Friends, ones you can depend on.

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Helldivers 2 friend request not working bug fix

Some Helldivers 2 players are hitting a snag with the friend request feature not working. This bug has been a pesky hurdle for those looking to team up and tackle the game’s challenges together. Fortunately, there are some fixes for the Helldivers 2 friend request bug, which we’ll discuss below.

Is there a fix for the Helldivers 2 friend request not working bug?

Helldivers 2 friend request tab

A lot of players have had trouble with the Helldivers 2 bug, where friend requests don’t work. This problem usually shows up when you try to use cross-play. While this function should make it easy for PS5 and PC users to play together, there seems to be a problem between some users. Additionally, the bug can also happen to people who are using the same software. However, it seems to occur less frequently.

Several things could be causing this problem. Players with invalid names, especially those with special characters that don’t follow the rules for naming characters in games, can stop the friend request process in its tracks. Furthermore, problems on the server can stop friend requests from being sent or accepted, leaving players stuck and unable to join.

To tackle the Helldivers 2 friend request bug, follow these steps:

  1. Check and Modify Your Username: Make sure your username is between 3 and 16 characters long and doesn’t have any special characters. Making this small change can sometimes make it easier to connect with friends.
  2. Restart Everything: Not just the game—make sure to close any related background applications as well. Additionally, restart your console or PC and your router and modem. A fresh start can often rectify the issue.
  3. Patience is Key: You should be patient if these steps don’t immediately rectify the problem. The developers at Arrowhead Game Studios may be working on a fix. They are known for being involved with the community, so this annoying issue may be solved quickly. Keep an eye out for patches or hotfixes.

The Helldivers 2 team is continually updating the game, addressing bugs, and enhancing the player experience. With their track record, a solution to the friend request not working bug is expected to be on the way.

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Is Payday 3 Coming to PS5 or Is It Xbox Exclusive? Wed, 28 Jun 2023 18:50:30 +0000 Is Payday 3 slated to release on PS5?

The post Is Payday 3 Coming to PS5 or Is It Xbox Exclusive? appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.

Payday 3 PS5 Xbox Exclusive

Is Payday 3 coming out on PS5, or is it an Xbox exclusive? Developed by Overkill Software and Starbreeze Studios, Payday 3 is the much-anticipated third installment in the heist-based FPS series and is a direct sequel to Payday 2. At the end of that game, the heisters decide to part ways, but they have decided to come back. It’s taken a long time for Payday 3 to be fully developed, with Overkill Software announcing the game all the way back in May 2016. Fortunately, the game is already set to release on September 21, 2023, so fans won’t need to wait too much longer to get their hands on it. Here’s all you need to know about whether or not there’s a Payday 3 PS5 release date.

Is Payday 3 coming out on PS5?

Yes, Payday 3 is coming out on PS5.

As detailed in the FAQ on the game’s official website, Payday 3 will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. It will cost $39.99 at launch and can be pre-ordered on all these platforms at various retailers and storefronts.

Is Payday 3 an Xbox exclusive?

No, Payday 3 is not an Xbox exclusive.

Perhaps some of the confusion comes from Payday 3 gameplay being featured during the 2023 Xbox Games Showcase. But it’s become clear that the game will be multiplatform. Payday 3 will support crossplay and cross-progression across all platforms, so that you can form a party easily.

The game’s synopsis reads:

“The PAYDAY Gang once struck fear into the hearts of law enforcement and citizenry all across the United States, with some reports accusing them of crimes as far away as Russia. The seemingly unstoppable criminals were responsible for a spree of audacious heists, made even more remarkable by the fact that the gang was never caught.

Then, one day, the robberies that shook the world suddenly ceased. The PAYDAY Gang seemed to vanish off the face of the Earth. This peaceful reprieve has lasted years… But peacetime never lasts forever.”

For more Payday 3 updates, check out whether the original Payday crew will be in the game.

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Is Fable Coming to PS5 or Is It Xbox & PC Exclusive? Wed, 28 Jun 2023 18:09:14 +0000 What's the chance that Fable is coming to PlayStation?

The post Is Fable Coming to PS5 or Is It Xbox & PC Exclusive? appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.

Fable PS5 Xbox PC Exclusive

Is Fable coming out on PS5, or is it an Xbox or PC exclusive? The Fable reboot is an upcoming action RPG developed by Playground Games, the same developer known for the Forza Horizon series. The Fable franchise has been on hold for over a decade at this point, with the latest installment being Fable: The Journey for Xbox 360. First mentioned back in 2017 by Xbox boss Phil Spencer, the game was featured during the 2023 Xbox Games Showcase where actor Richard Ayoade played a giant. Here’s all you need to know about Fable PS5 release date.

Is Fable coming out on PS5?

No, Fable isn’t coming out on PS5.

Since Xbox Game Studios owns Playground Games, Fable is an Xbox exclusive. It has been announced for release on Xbox Series X|S and PC. While other Xbox-owned studios like Mojang have still created games for PlayStation platforms, with Minecraft Legends releasing on PS5 and PS4, there’s no indication that this Fable reboot will be doing the same.

Is Fable an Xbox & PC exclusive?

Yes, Fable is a Xbox & PC exclusive.

This isn’t terrible surprising, not alone for the reasons already stated, but because the Fable franchise has never been on PlayStation in the first place. From the original Fable released in 2004, Fable II in 2008, and Fable III in 2010, the game has been exclusive to Xbox platforms and/or PC.

The game’s synopsis reads:

“What does it mean to be a Hero? Well, in the fairytale land of Albion, that is entirely up to you. With a dark threat looming, and in a world where your reputation precedes you, your choices will change Albion forever.”

For more Fable updates, you can check out the game’s trailer at the Xbox Games Showcase and our review for Fable: The Journey which was built from the ground up to use the Kinect.

The post Is Fable Coming to PS5 or Is It Xbox & PC Exclusive? appeared first on PlayStation LifeStyle.

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