alan wake 2 night springs expansion

Alan Wake 2 Night Springs DLC Out Today

Sam Lake last night revealed the Alan Wake 2 Night Springs expansion in a trailer. He also announced that it will be available today for Deluxe edition owners of the game.

The first of two paid expansions, Alan Wake 2 Night Springs, will feature the game’s fictional in-universe show, Night Springs, as a major story aspect. 

Three stories bring together familiar faces from the Remedy universe, including actor Shawn Ashmore (Quantum Break) and Courtney Hope’s Jesse Faden from Control.

Alan Wake 2 Night Springs trailer

Alan Wake 2 – Night Springs Expansion Trailer | Summer Game Fest 2024

Night Springs is a homage to the classic sci-fi show The Twilight Zone. It is just one of many nods to surreal and spooky television and movies in the series.

Three episodes. Three playable characters. An endless time loop in… Night Springs. Trapped in the enigmatic Dark Place, Alan Wake seeks an escape. As he pens the scripts for the once-beloved TV show “Night Springs,” he unwittingly unravels the fabric of reality. Step into the surreal and experience the world of Alan Wake as never before in… Night Springs. Will you break free from the loop, or become another echo lost in the shadows?

In addition, the second expansion, The Lake House, is set to appear later.

Physical editions of the game were also finally announced, including a tasty collector’s edition.

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