EA - PlayStation LifeStyle https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/tag/ea/ PS5, PS4, PS Plus, and PSN News, Guides, Trophies, Reviews, and More! Fri, 14 Jun 2024 20:24:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.4 https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2023/03/cropped-favicon.png?w=32 EA - PlayStation LifeStyle https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/tag/ea/ 32 32 215717071 Next Battlefield Game Will Be More Realistic Thanks to EA Hiring Veterans https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/06/14/ea-battlefield-hires-ex-military/ https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/06/14/ea-battlefield-hires-ex-military/#respond Fri, 14 Jun 2024 20:23:50 +0000 https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/?p=905425 EA’s Ripple Effect Studios is working on a new Battlefield game, though we don’t have a release date or official title yet. However, the publisher announced that it hired two military veterans to improve the game’s authenticity. What do we know about EA’s next Battlefield? EA hasn’t revealed much about the next Battlefield game, though […]

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EA hires ex-military personnel for next Battlefield game

EA’s Ripple Effect Studios is working on a new Battlefield game, though we don’t have a release date or official title yet. However, the publisher announced that it hired two military veterans to improve the game’s authenticity.

What do we know about EA’s next Battlefield?

EA hasn’t revealed much about the next Battlefield game, though its development team is reportedly the series’ largest. The project draws talent from four studios: DICE, Criterion, Motive, and Ripple Effect. The latter recently hired two former military personnel through the Hire Our Heroes program. The development team will use their experience to make the next Battlefield game a more authentic experience.

Battlefield's ex-military developers Aaron Johnson and Madison Daugherty

Madison Daugherty’s military career began as an enlisted military police soldier before becoming a logistics officer and battalion operations officer. She was assigned to the Third Infantry Division, where she was the distribution platoon leader for 30 Blackhawk helicopters. “The best way to describe it is as the most expensive mobile gas station you’ve ever seen,” she explained on EA’s blog.

After a three-month fellowship with EA’s Battlefield team, she joined Ripple Effect as a Product Manager. “I have been able to give good feedback on what realistic military stuff looks like,” Daugherty said. “We’ve put together executive summaries on military realism.”

Meanwhile, Ripple Effect’s new Associate Game Manager, Aaron Johnson, is a former green beret and small unit tactics instructor. Johnson’s career saw him stationed everywhere, from Afghanistan to Japan and many other places. “I was there to manage the assault force and maneuver them on the ground at first,” he explained. “And so, when I was on the other side of that, I was the guy leading the charge somewhere.” Later, as an instructor, Johnson trained soldiers to move, shoot, and provide medical aid in combat.

However, after his long military career, Johnson is just as enthusiastic about game development. “I wanted to be part of the Battlefield team as much as I wanted to be a Green Beret,” he said. “When I got placed on that team, I cried tears of joy.”

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Dragon Age: The Veilguard Preview: A Little Somethin’ For Everyone https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/06/11/dragon-age-the-veilguard-preview-bioware-ps5-xbox-pc/ https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/06/11/dragon-age-the-veilguard-preview-bioware-ps5-xbox-pc/#respond Tue, 11 Jun 2024 19:56:39 +0000 https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/?p=905268 Dragon Age: Veil Guard has something to offer for both new fans and longtime veterans, though it runs the risk of being a bit too welcoming.

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As I sat down for one of EA‘s closed-door presentations of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, it didn’t take long for me to sense the excitement in the air. Despite this being a hands-off presentation of the game’s first hour, it was hard not to notice the plastered smiles and excited whispers coming from my fellow writers and content creators to the left and right of me. And this makes sense; it’s been a decade since players have gotten their hands on a new Dragon Age, and BioWare‘s other offerings over the past 10 years weren’t exactly slam dunks.

With the game’s director, Corrine Busche, guiding us through the first hour of the game, it became clear that the dev team was looking to open up the world of Dragon Age to all types of players, from more casual newcomers to those who logged countless hours across the franchise’s other titles. Of course, as you’d expect from most western RPGs at this point, the presentation kicked off with an overview of the character creator.

Your Character

Now, if I’m being honest, spending an hour or two obsessing over my character’s and eye color and facial scars is not something I normally place a lot of importance on, but I know I’m probably in the minority on that. To their credit though, BioWare looks to have spend a lot time and effort to craft a robust character creation system, even going so far as to make sure skin tones and hair styles look great throughout the course of your adventure.

“We wanted to make sure skin tones were well represented,” Corrine explained, “including the under hues that influence how our skin shows up under different lighting conditions, even controlling for levels of melanin.”

And I have to admit, the end result looked rather good, thanks in part to the ability to look at your character under several different lighting conditions representative of in-game locales and settings. It only took a few minutes to throw together a great looking character, and there are plenty of presets and randomizers at your disposal should you want to get into the game in as little time as possible.

Your Combat

While Dragon Age: The Veilguard only features three core classes (Rogue, Warrior, and Mage), Corrine explained that each one can pick from different specializations to better align with one’s intended playstyle.

“Each class has three bespoke and unique specializations that are really classes unto themselves. The duelist plays much different to the saboteur, who prefers to use gadgets, turrets and bombs. The Veil Ranger is my personal favorite [Rogue] specialization, as it prioritizes the bow arrow and can magically infuse arrows. Now, each of these specializations are unique per class, and are backed up by an incredibly robust skill tree which is also unique per class. It really allows you to customize and curate how you exist and how your gameplay experience plays out to your tastes.”

Admittedly, I was a bit surprised to see the combat adopting a stronger focus on action — if you’ve checked out any footage of the game in action, you’ll probably notice how the camera is a bit closer to your player, lending a more intimate feel that I normally associate with third-person action-adventure games. It’s a noticeable difference compared to say the first or second Dragon Age, but BioWare has taken some steps to provide options for those who prefer a slower-paced, strategic experience.

Sure, you can’t control your companions directly, but along with firing off abilities using more recognizable button combos, you can also use any of these abilities by pulling up an ability wheel. This completely pauses the game, which helps to slow down the sometimes frantic pace for those who would rather not deal with juggling their companions in real time.

Your Companions

If you’re a purist who’s worried that The Veilguard isn’t your grandfather’s Dragon Age, you’ll be delighted to hear that the battle-tested dialogue and companion system from previous games is back in full force. Completely separate from class or species, you’ll be able to select a backstory for your created character, which also unlocks new dialogue options that are unique to that background.

As you’d come to expect, being able to choose your own dialogue can have both short-term and long-term impacts, whether it’s affecting how specific plot arcs unfold, or influencing how your companions think about and treat you. For those of you who are far more in touch with Dragon Age’s lore than I am, you’ll probably get a kick out of seeing fan-favorites like Varric or Harding, who serve as your companions (along with a few other new characters).

While I’m by no means concerned, one niggling thought that I couldn’t get rid of was that The Veilguard might be trying to appease too wide of an audience, losing its uniqueness and core identity in the process. That being said, if there’s a studio capable of striking a careful balance like this, BioWare would be a top contender — and I’m certainly hoping that they are propelled back into the AAA game dev spotlight when Dragon Age: The Veilguard releases this fall.

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Dragon Age: The Veilguard Gameplay Reveal Date Set https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/06/06/dragon-age-the-veilguard-gameplay-reveal-date-set-dreadwolf-bioware/ https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/06/06/dragon-age-the-veilguard-gameplay-reveal-date-set-dreadwolf-bioware/#respond Thu, 06 Jun 2024 17:35:23 +0000 https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/?p=905083 BioWare has been working on its next game, until recently known as Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, for a long time with little to show. However, in addition to announcing the name change, the studio confirmed that the Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s gameplay reveal is set for this month. When is Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s gameplay reveal? […]

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Dragon Age: The Veilguard Gameplay Reveal Date Set

BioWare has been working on its next game, until recently known as Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, for a long time with little to show. However, in addition to announcing the name change, the studio confirmed that the Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s gameplay reveal is set for this month.

When is Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s gameplay reveal?

Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s gameplay reveal arrives on June 11, BioWare announced on Twitter and its official blog. Fans got a taste of gameplay when some footage a playtester leaked in February, revealing the franchise’s transition to action combat. The leaker specifically compared it to 2018’s God of War.

It also appeared that BioWare reduced party size from four to three and removed the ability to control NPC party members directly. However, what fans saw in the leak doesn’t necessarily represent the game’s current reality. Next week’s Dragon Age: The Veilguard gameplay reveal should give them a look at the mostly finished project.

Hopefully, the reveal also reveals the game’s release date. Fans have been waiting since 2015 when Dragon Age: Inquisition’s Trespasser DLC ended on something of a cliffhanger.

The previous title, Dreadwolf, referred to the Inquisition character Solas, who Trespasser revealed as the Elven god Fen’Harel, “The Dread Wolf.” The DLC seemed to be setting him up as the new antagonist, with Dreadwolf’s marking featuring him heavily. However, BioWare explained that the new title reflects Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s focus on the player character and their party.

“Naturally,” said Executive Producer Gary McKay, “the Dread Wolf still has an important part in this tale, but you and your companions — not your enemies — are the heart of this new experience.”

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Former Dragon Age Writer Criticizes EA’s Push for AI https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/05/10/former-dragon-age-writer-criticizes-eas-push-for-ai/ https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/05/10/former-dragon-age-writer-criticizes-eas-push-for-ai/#respond Fri, 10 May 2024 17:44:32 +0000 https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/?p=904309 EA is one of several gaming companies interested in generative AI, and CEO Andrew Wilson is says EA developers have a “hunger” to use it in game development. However, former Dragon Age lead writer David Gaider is less than enthusiastic, harshly criticizing the EA executive. Dragon Age: Inquisition lead writer David Gaider has harsh words […]

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Former Dragon Age Writer Criticizes EA’s Push for AI

EA is one of several gaming companies interested in generative AI, and CEO Andrew Wilson is says EA developers have a “hunger” to use it in game development. However, former Dragon Age lead writer David Gaider is less than enthusiastic, harshly criticizing the EA executive.

Dragon Age: Inquisition lead writer David Gaider has harsh words for EA

“In case it’s unclear,” Gaider wrote on Twitter, ‘hunger’ referred to here is the allure of a spreadsheet where the labour costs suddenly show as a teeny tiny bar compared to the other bars and a bunch of executives around a table nod and repeat ‘ROI’ and ‘good, yes, good’ over and over again.”

Gaider worked for EA subsidiary BioWare from 1999 to 2016 and thus has some experience with EA. His last project at BioWare was the doomed live-service game Anthem, though the story was rebooted after he left. He sees EA’s push for AI as a repeat of its live service mandate, which contributed to Anthem’s failure. He also argued that people shouldn’t believe EA when it says developers are excited about AI.

“They want you to believe the devs under them are super stoked to work generative AI into their processes,” said Gaider, “but I assure you what they took as excitement was really a veiled wail of despair not unlike the time that team was informed of their new ‘really cool’ live service mandate.”

“The execs heard about the New Thing™,” he continued in another tweet, “and everyone (meaning all the Yes Men they’ve mentioned it to) think it’s super exciting, so now they’re going to parrot it at the folks doing the actual work . . . at least until reality inevitably manifests.”

This is not the first time EA’s CEO has gushed about the potential of AI. In March, he predicted that generative AI would allow EA’s studios to do in days what used to take months. The executive also described a future where billions of players create their own content with the company’s AI technology.

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Dragon Age: Dreadwolf Release Date Likely Before April 2025 https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/05/08/dragon-age-dreadwolf-release-date-april-2025/ https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/05/08/dragon-age-dreadwolf-release-date-april-2025/#respond Wed, 08 May 2024 18:14:44 +0000 https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/?p=904222 EA’s latest earnings presentation heavily hinted that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf will likely appear before April 2025. The company has steadfastly refused to confirm an actual release date for the game, although more “details on timing” are expected to be revealed at a later date. Dragon Age: Dreadwolf could be released this fiscal year One of […]

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Dragon Age Dreadwolf April 2025

EA’s latest earnings presentation heavily hinted that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf will likely appear before April 2025. The company has steadfastly refused to confirm an actual release date for the game, although more “details on timing” are expected to be revealed at a later date.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf could be released this fiscal year

One of EA’s earnings slides shown to investors displayed all the games scheduled to be released during the current financial year. One of those is an unannounced “owned IP title” that insider Jeff Grubb later clarified was Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. The game wasn’t included in the table so the release date is yet to be narrowed down to a specific quarter of the year. EA “expect to provide more details on timing at a later date.”

Most people reading this will likely be concerned over the fact the game was called “unannounced.” Fear not, as EA has done this before. Two years ago, EA issued an earnings presentation that referred to a “Remake” that had “not yet been publicly disclosed.” Because Dead Space Remake had been announced 10 months prior, many people assumed this wasn’t the game in question. The very next day, EA confirmed the game’s release date and that the “Remake” was, in fact, Dead Space.

There are very few surprise games due to be released in the current financial year. EA Sports F1 24 is set for May 31. At some point between July 1 and September 30, fellow sports titles EA Sports College Football 25, EA Sports Madden NFL 25, and EA Sports FC 25 will be released. These will be followed by EA Sports NHL 25 between October 1 and December 31.

Finally, the only game that remains a mystery is an unannounced “partner title” that will arrive during the first quarter of 2025. This is thought to be the latest game from Hazelight Studios, but we’ll have to wait for more information on that too.

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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Released Early on EA Play https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/04/23/star-wars-jedi-survivor-ea-play/ https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/04/23/star-wars-jedi-survivor-ea-play/#respond Tue, 23 Apr 2024 14:15:41 +0000 https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/?p=903841 Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has been released early on EA Play for PlayStation subscribers. The game wasn’t supposed to be available on the service until later this week, but players in the Americas, Europe, and Australia can all play the game as part of their membership right now, as well as make use of a […]

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Star Wars Jedi Survivor EA Play

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has been released early on EA Play for PlayStation subscribers. The game wasn’t supposed to be available on the service until later this week, but players in the Americas, Europe, and Australia can all play the game as part of their membership right now, as well as make use of a discount if purchasing the game through the PS Store.

The official Star Wars Jedi: Survivor EA Play release date

A post on Xbox Wire revealed the actual Star Wars Jedi: Survivor release date on EA Play is April 25. In what is likely a mistake that hasn’t been corrected at the time of writing, EA Play members on PS5 can already download the game as part of their membership. The game has been available on PS5 consoles through EA Play from April 22.

EA Play members can also get a 10% discount on the game if they choose to purchase it from the PS Store. The discount currently applies to the standard edition of the game and the separate Deluxe Upgrade. However, those wanting the Deluxe Edition are better off grabbing it as soon as possible rather than waiting; this edition is 50% off through the massive Spring Sale that ends tomorrow, April 24.

Away from Star Wars, there are also a variety of EA Play in-game rewards that can still be claimed throughout April. These are:

  • Apex Legends
    • Apex Logo (Precious Peaks) Weapon Charm – available until April 30
  • Battlefield 2042
    • Brigade Buster – available until April 30
  • EA Sports FC 24
    • Clubs FC Pro Black Glasses – available until April 25
    • VOLTA FC Pro Neck Tattoo and COINS – available until April 25
    • Ultimate Team Draft Token – available until May 14
  • EA Sports WRC
    • Season 4 Rewards – available until June 3
  • Madden NFL 24
    • MUT April Pack – available until April 30
  • NHL 24
    • Super Hero Set – available until May 22
    • WOC Coins – available until May 22
    • WOC Battle Pass XP Modifier – available until May 22

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Japan’s Rating Board Criticized for Passing Stellar Blade But Banning Dead Space Remake https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/04/23/stellar-blade-censorship-update-dead-space-japan-team/ https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/04/23/stellar-blade-censorship-update-dead-space-japan-team/#respond Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:04:26 +0000 https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/?p=903831 Shift Up’s recent statement regarding Stellar Blade censorship status has drawn the ire of Dead Space remake‘s Japan team. Shift Up confirmed that its PS5 exclusive will not be censored in any region including Japan, puzzling Electronic Arts Japan’s general manager, Shaun Noguchi. Dead Space remake was banned by Japanese rating board CERO. Stellar Blade […]

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Stellar Blade Censorship Update Upsets Dead Space Japan Team

Shift Up’s recent statement regarding Stellar Blade censorship status has drawn the ire of Dead Space remake‘s Japan team. Shift Up confirmed that its PS5 exclusive will not be censored in any region including Japan, puzzling Electronic Arts Japan’s general manager, Shaun Noguchi. Dead Space remake was banned by Japanese rating board CERO.

Stellar Blade censorship update draws attention to Japanese rating board’s ‘vagueness,’ says EA

As spotted and translated by Automaton, Noguchi took to X to point out that part of the reason Dead Space was denied a rating in Japan was its depiction of “severed body parts and internal organs.” However, Stellar Blade includes the same content and received a CERO D rating (ages 17 and up). On the other hand, Dead Space wasn’t even awarded a CERO Z rating (18 and up). The game was banned outright.

In a follow-up tweet, Noguchi stressed that he’s by no means criticizing Stellar Blade or taking a swing at its devs. He added that he personally enjoyed the demo and encouraged his followers to buy the full game. Noguchi added that he’s vexed by the vagueness of CERO’s review process.

CERO is known for being strict. The authority routinely bans and censors games for a variety of reasons.

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EA’s Black Panther and Iron Man Games May Be Open World https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/04/15/ea-black-panther-iron-man-open-world/ https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/04/15/ea-black-panther-iron-man-open-world/#respond Mon, 15 Apr 2024 13:42:21 +0000 https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/?p=903567 It looks like Electronic Arts‘ Black Panther and Iron Man games will be open world, or feature open world elements, at the very least. Fans have spotted a pair of job descriptions for the games suggesting as much. Black Panther is in development at Cliffhanger Games whereas Iron Man is in development at EA Motive. […]

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EA's Black Panther and Iron Man games

It looks like Electronic ArtsBlack Panther and Iron Man games will be open world, or feature open world elements, at the very least. Fans have spotted a pair of job descriptions for the games suggesting as much. Black Panther is in development at Cliffhanger Games whereas Iron Man is in development at EA Motive.

EA has yet to confirm if Black Panther and Iron Man are open world

EA has revealed little about both Marvel games beyond initial announcements and brief development updates. However, the job description for a Principal Sandbox Designer at Black Panther studio Cliffhanger reveals that the developer is looking for someone with knowledge and experience of “evolving” open worlds.

The successful candidate will be “instrumental in designing and populating encounters, systems, and gameplay within a dynamic and evolving open world,” EA says. The role draws upon “a deep understanding of technical design principles and a passion for creating immersive sandbox experiences.”

As for Iron Man, a job description for Senior Technical Artist spotted by folks over at Geekinout states that the job holder will “help oversee the rendering related aspects of an open world action adventure AAA title.”

EA recently said that Iron Man is an “important priority” for Motive.

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EA Play Subscription Prices Increasing https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/04/11/ea-play-subscription-prices-increasing/ https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/04/11/ea-play-subscription-prices-increasing/#respond Thu, 11 Apr 2024 15:21:51 +0000 https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/?p=901404 Electronic Arts has told subscribers it is increasing the prices of EA Play subscriptions. Both monthly and annual subscriptions will be rising in price for the standard EA Play tier on all platforms, while PC players will also see the cost of EA Play Pro subscriptions rise proportionally. The new EA Play subscription prices While […]

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EA Play Prices Increasing

Electronic Arts has told subscribers it is increasing the prices of EA Play subscriptions. Both monthly and annual subscriptions will be rising in price for the standard EA Play tier on all platforms, while PC players will also see the cost of EA Play Pro subscriptions rise proportionally.

The new EA Play subscription prices

While the price increases in the US are still chunky, they seem more severe in other countries. The standard EA Play monthly subscription is increasing by $1 / £2. This brings the price from $4.99 / £3.99 per month to $5.99 / £5.99. Meanwhile, annual subscriptions are increasing by $10 / £16. This brings the price from $29.99 / £19.99 per year to $39.99 / £35.99, nearly doubling the price in the UK.

The EA Play Pro subscription, which is only available through the EA app on PC, will see its prices increase more proportionally. The monthly subscription is increasing by $2 / £2 from $14.99 / £14.99 per month to $16.99 / £16.99. The annual subscription price has gone up by $20 / £20 from $99.99 / £89.99 per year to $119.99 / £109.99.

In an email sent to EA Play subscribers, players were told that “any new subscription purchases will be charged at the new prices.” However, those who have stacked their membership until a date in the future have been told “this price increase will not take effect until your next renewal date.”

While EA didn’t reveal a reason for the increase, GamesIndustry.biz was told the changes are being made to reflect changes in currency value and to bring fees in line with market value. EA Play isn’t the only subscription to increase in price recently. Sony increased the price of all tiers of PS Plus back in September, while Xbox Game Pass prices increased back in June.

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https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/04/11/ea-play-subscription-prices-increasing/feed/ 0 901404
Dead Space Franchise ‘On Hold’ Due Remake’s Sales, New Report Claims https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/04/11/no-dead-space-4-franchise-on-hold/ https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2024/04/11/no-dead-space-4-franchise-on-hold/#respond Thu, 11 Apr 2024 13:02:38 +0000 https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/?p=901253 Dead Space 4 is increasingly looking like a pipe dream as reliable insider and journalist Jason Schreier reports that the franchise is officially “on hold.” Yesterday, fellow journalist Jeff Grubb claimed that EA was working on a Dead Space 2 remake at one point, but the publisher denied his report. Later, Schreier shed some more […]

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Dead Space 4 isn't happening

Dead Space 4 is increasingly looking like a pipe dream as reliable insider and journalist Jason Schreier reports that the franchise is officially “on hold.” Yesterday, fellow journalist Jeff Grubb claimed that EA was working on a Dead Space 2 remake at one point, but the publisher denied his report. Later, Schreier shed some more light on the rumor and explained where Grubb’s claim stemmed from.

Dead Space remake’s sales mean Dead Space 4 is unlikely to happen

Writing for Bloomberg, Schreier clarified that following the release of Dead Space’s remake, a small team at EA’s Motive Studio began conceiving ideas for a new game. In a follow-up comment on ResetEra, the journalist said that the plans “mostly involved a Dead Space sequel.” Perhaps, Grubb heard the same and assumed that his sources were referring to Dead Space 2.

Whatever the case, Schreier claims that Dead Space 1 remake’s sales didn’t meet EA’s expectations so plans for the new entry — whether it was Dead Space 4 or Dead Space 2 remake — were iced. And since last summer, Motive devs who worked on the January 2023 release have been working on other projects.

Unfortunately, Dead Space remake’s positive reception failed to translate into sales.

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