Sony Interactive Entertainment - PlayStation LifeStyle PS5, PS4, PS Plus, and PSN News, Guides, Trophies, Reviews, and More! Sat, 15 Jun 2024 14:28:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sony Interactive Entertainment - PlayStation LifeStyle 32 32 215717071 Spider-Man 3 Alpha Gameplay Apparently Leaked Sat, 15 Jun 2024 14:27:43 +0000 Over the weekend, images and gameplay footage purportedly from a very early build of Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 leaked online. The ongoing Insomniac Games leaks all result from the same ransomware attack that took place in December 2023, with Sony struggling to take them down. Alleged Spider-Man 3 gameplay leak reveals a new protagonist We’re not […]

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Marvel's Spider-Man 3 gameplay leak

Over the weekend, images and gameplay footage purportedly from a very early build of Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 leaked online. The ongoing Insomniac Games leaks all result from the same ransomware attack that took place in December 2023, with Sony struggling to take them down.

Alleged Spider-Man 3 gameplay leak reveals a new protagonist

We’re not going to directly paste the leaks here (they can be found on Reddit and X), but we will briefly discuss the information that we’ve gathered from them, so those worried about spoilers should proceed with caution.

The images purportedly from Spider-Man 3 show Cindy Moon/Silk swinging around New York. Interestingly, she did make an appearance towards the end of Spider-Man 2, when Miles Morales’ mother invites her boyfriend over to dinner. Her boyfriend, Albert Moon, brings his daughter with him. Although we don’t really see her — you’ve already guessed it — it’s Cindy.

Then, there’s some gameplay footage circulating on X. To reiterate, it appears to be from a very early build with reused assets, and isn’t indicative of the final product whatsoever. Apparently, a team of Brazlian modders who made a playable PC build of Spider-Man 2 following the hack are now bringing Spider-Man 3 to life as well.

Spider-Man 3 is unlikely to release before Marvel’s Wolverine, which seems to be Insomniac’s next big project. At this point, it’s hard to say if Spider-Man 3 will be a PS5 game or a PS6 game (or both).

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FromSoftware Would Love a Bloodborne PC Port But Sony’s in the Way Fri, 14 Jun 2024 13:46:06 +0000 FromSoftware‘s Hidetaka Miyazaki has said that the studio would love a Bloodborne PC port (or even a PS5 remake) but it’s not in his hands and it’s “not his place to talk.” One can’t help but feel a bit sorry for Miyazaki as he continues to be quizzed about the game, only for him to […]

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Bloodborne PS5 PC ports discussed

FromSoftware‘s Hidetaka Miyazaki has said that the studio would love a Bloodborne PC port (or even a PS5 remake) but it’s not in his hands and it’s “not his place to talk.” One can’t help but feel a bit sorry for Miyazaki as he continues to be quizzed about the game, only for him to reiterate that there’s nothing that he can personally do.

PS5 and PC players puzzled by Until Dawn remake as Sony ignores Bloodborne requests

In a somewhat bizarre move, Sony has decided to offer PS5 and PC players a remake of Until Dawn, which we have yet to see fans request. What players have requested repeatedly, however, is either a Bloodborne remake or a sequel.

Speaking to PC Gamer, Miyazaki said he’s not the only one who would love to see Bloodborne reach more players. Apparently, FromSoftware devs are all on board. Miyazaki stopped short of saying anything else, adding that he’ll “get in trouble” for doing so. But it’s pretty obvious that IP owner Sony is the one that gets to decide the future of Bloodborne.

“I know for a fact these guys want a Bloodborne PC port,” Miyazaki said. “If I say I want one, I’ll get in trouble as well. But it’s nothing I’m opposed to.”

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Stellar Blade Gets Big PS Plus Premium Game Trial Thu, 13 Jun 2024 14:04:40 +0000 PS Plus Premium subscribers can play a big chunk of Stellar Blade for free right now. The game already has a demo on the PS Store, the progress from which carries over. Add to that the current game trial, and players have plenty to get their hands on. How to play several hours of Stellar […]

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Stellar Blade free trial

PS Plus Premium subscribers can play a big chunk of Stellar Blade for free right now. The game already has a demo on the PS Store, the progress from which carries over. Add to that the current game trial, and players have plenty to get their hands on.

How to play several hours of Stellar Blade for free

The PS Plus Premium game trial is two hours long. Before starting the trial, you can check out the demo and carry your progress over. The demo itself is about an hour long. Should you purchase the full game, everything from both the demo and trial will carry over.

Stellar Blade’s main story takes about 20-22 hours to beat, but those who want to dabble into side quests will be spending about 40 hours. We do recommend getting those side quests done if you purchase the full game because Stellar Blade’s bosses aren’t exactly pushovers.

Stellar Blade is also currently part of the PlayStation Stars rewards program. Unfortunately, however, PlayStation Stars has been offline for about a week, so if you want to redeem your points towards the game, you’ll have to wait. Sony has acknowledged the issue and is working on a fix.

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Big Helldivers 2 Update 01.000.400 Buffs Stratagems and Weapons Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:56:09 +0000 Arrowhead has rolled out a big Helldivers 2 update (version 01.000.400), the patch notes for which reveal plenty of buffs for stratagems and weapons. Arrowhead recently said that Helldivers 2 updates will slow down going forward, making room for major patches and content additions. Helldivers 2 update 01.000.400 patch notes (June 13, 2024) Complete patch […]

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Helldivers 2 server update

Arrowhead has rolled out a big Helldivers 2 update (version 01.000.400), the patch notes for which reveal plenty of buffs for stratagems and weapons. Arrowhead recently said that Helldivers 2 updates will slow down going forward, making room for major patches and content additions.

Helldivers 2 update 01.000.400 patch notes (June 13, 2024)

Complete patch notes for today’s PS5 and PC update are as follows:


A/MLS-4X Rocket Sentry

  • Decreased spread
  • Prioritize larger targets
  • Increased target distance from 75 to 100m
  • Decreased Rockets per salvo 2 to 1 (to get a better ammo economy)
  • Increased explosion radius from 1m to 4m
  • Decreased explosion armor penetration (Explosion can no longer damage heavy armored enemies. The projectile still has enough AP to damage heavily armored targets.)
  • Increased projectile damage from 200 to 300

A/MG-43 Machine gun sentry

  • Reduced cooldown from 180 sec to 120 sec.

A/MG-43 Machine gun Sentry, A/G-16 Gatling Sentry, A/MLS-4X Rocket Sentry, A/AC-8 Autocannon Sentry, A/M-12 Mortar Sentry, A/M-23 EMS Mortar Sentry:

  • Increased durability* from 0% to 80%

E/MG-101 HMG Emplacement

  • Increased rotation speed by 100%

MD-6 Anti-Personnel Minefield

  • Increased explosion damage from 250 to 350

MD-I4 Incendiary Mines

  • Increased explosion damage from 150 to 210

Orbital Gatling

  • Increased fire rate by 25%
  • Increased rounds per salvo from 30 to 60
  • Increased armor penetration (Can damage heavy armored enemies)
  • Decreased cooldown from 80 sec to 70 sec

Orbital Precision strike

  • Decreased cooldown from 100 sec to 90 sec
  • Decreased Spawn/Call-in time from 4 sec to 2 sec

Orbital Airburst Strike

  • Decreased cooldown from 120 sec to 100 sec

Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods

While these changes may look like a straight up nerf, that is not the intention. Please see the blogpost for more information.

  • Improved targeting
  • Increased projectile armor penetration (now does 100% damage to heavily armored enemies instead of 50%)
  • Decreased projectile damage 600 to 250 (to compensate for the improved targeting and the extra damage from the increased armor penetration.)
  • Decreased explosion armor penetration (explosion can no longer damage heavily armored enemies)

Eagle Strafing Run

  • Increased uses from 3 to 4
  • Increased armor penetration, can now damage heavily armored enemies.

GL-21 Grenade Launcher

  • Increased explosion damage by from 350 to 400

MG-206 Heavy Machine Gun

  • Increased projectile damage from 100 to 150
  • Increased projectile damage against durable* body parts from 23% to 33%
  • Decreased fire rate from 450/750/900 to 450/600/750
  • Decreased reload time from 7 to 5.5 sec
  • Increased stagger strength

MG-43 Machine Gun

  • Decreased reload time from 4 to 3.5 seconds
  • Increased max amount of Magazines from 3 to 4

MG-43 Machine Gun, A/MG-43 Machine gun Sentry, A/G-16 Gatling Sentry and EXO-45 Patriot Exosuits Gatling

  • Increased projectile damage from 80 to 90
  • Increased projectile damage against durable* body parts from 7.5% to 25%

AR-23 Liberator, M-105 Stalwart and AX/AR-23 “Guard dog”

  • Increased projectile damage against durable* body parts from 10% to 23%

AR-23C Liberator Concussive

  • Increased projectile damage against durable* body parts from 23% to 35%

BR-14 Adjudicator

  • Increased magazine capacity from 25 to 30
  • Increased projectile damage against durable* body parts from 10% to 20%

AR-61 Tenderizer

  • Increased projectile damage from 60 to 95
  • Increased projectile damage against durable* body parts from 10% to 17%
  • Decreased ammo capacity from 35 to 30
  • Decreased number of magazines from 10 to 8
  • Increased stagger strength

PLAS-101 Purifier

  • Increased projectile armor penetration to be the same as the explosion
  • Decreased explosion damage falloff

CB-9 Explosive Crossbow

  • Increased explosion armor penetration to be the same as the projectile
  • Increased demolition strength (Can destroy Bug holes and Bot Fabricator buildings)
  • Added medium penetration tag

R-36 Eruptor

  • Increased total damage from 420 to 570 damage per shot

R-63 Diligence

  • Increased projectile damage against durable* body parts from 10% to 25%. *Some enemies have durable body parts that receive only a portion of base damage from projectiles


  • Updated Recoil stance modifiers: We made changes to the recoil stance modifiers to make them more consistent and also reward being prone more. Almost all of them will improve the recoil and only two have been made worse (and only by 10%).



  • Removed operation modifier AA-Defenses: Reducing the stratagem slots by 1
    • We want to look over the operation modifiers in the future. Right now there are too few of them which become repetitive and the ones we have do not create variety or promote different playstyles. For now, we removed this one because it only encourages the players to bring the best stratagems and does not promote variety.
  • Disabled the Retrieve Essential Personnel defend event mission for the time being
    • This is to give the mission the proper attention and care that it deserves as it is now deemed not fun enough or performing as we want it to.
  • Super Samples
    • Super samples now spawn on difficulty 6. The reason for this change is that we feel that their existence only on difficulty 7+ forced some players to play the game on a harder difficulty than they wanted to comfortably play on. We do however still want a gating of them but a less punishing one.
  • The SEAF Artillery stratagem is no longer blocked by stratagem jammers or Ion Storms, and is available after the mission timer ends and the destroyer leaves close orbit.
  • Enemies in melee range of the gates in the Evacuate High-Value Assets mission will now attack it more consistently.
  • Added the ability to chat from in-game menus and mission loading screen.
  • Updated some first person crosshairs to improve readability.


  • Invite-Only lobbies are now supported


  • New armor passive Peak Physique (+50% melee damage, +30% weapon ergonomics)

Planet Hazards

  • Spike Plant
    • The spike plant that appears on certain planets has been reworked.
    • No longer causes bleed or stamina drain if hit by the plant explosion or spikes.
    • Now “pops” three times sending spikes everywhere, dealing increased damage.
  • Fire Tornados
    • Fire tornados have had their behavior changed, they should no longer feel like they actively respond to player movement, and should move more randomly.
    • While a fire tornado storm takes place, enemy vision is reduced. Player vision is unaffected.
    • Fire tornados being more random should result in more variance in situations players find themselves in. Tornados are significantly less likely to pile up and overlap on extraction points or objectives, and will generally be a bit easier to deal with.
  • Tremors
    • Tremors have had their spawning tweaked to be slightly more random.
    • Tremors have had their epicenter size and effect range increased.
    • These changes should result in more situations where enemies away from the player get stunned, as well as reducing how consistently the player has a tremor occur next to them.
  • Visibility
    • A lot of planets have had their fog amounts tweaked to be a bit less harsh and dense, to provide less fatigue from constantly fighting on planets with bad visibility. We still intend there to be foggy planets with worse visibility, but the balance was a bit off.
    • Desert planets such as Erata Prime, Chort Bay, Hellmire, and similar.
    • Highlands planets such as Varylia 5, Matar Bay, Oshaune, and similar.
    • Artificial light sources have had their intensity rebalanced and reduced across the board to fix situations of lights completely blinding the player.
  • Unexploded Hellbomb
    • The unexploded malfunctioning hellbombs that can sometimes be found on planets will now explode immediately if hit with strong explosions or heavy weaponry. They will still have the same delay if hit by small arms fire or weaker attacks.
  • Vegetation
    • Vegetation that’s large enough to slow the player now has an extra function. When inside the vegetation helldivers will be harder to detect, reducing their detection range by enemies. This effect stacks with other detection reducing effects such as nighttime, being crouched or prone, or things such as the scout armor passive.
  • Ion Storms
    • Added additional VFX for Ion Storms.


  • Acid effect
    • The acid effect applied by hunters, bug mines, etc. now allows you to sprint while under the effect and slows you by 30% instead of 50%. Duration has been increased from 3 to 4 seconds. These changes are intended to make it less punishing for players to be slowed while fighting the Terminids, This allows us to use it in more places without making the experience very punishing, for example the Bile Spewers.
  • Armored enemy balance
    • We have toned down the amount of heavily armored enemies like Bile Titans, Chargers on higher difficulties and instead spawn more hordes of smaller enemies, the difference should be quite noticeable and the amount should be at least 30% less than before during bug breaches. We have also toned down slightly how many Hulks that spawn for the Automatons. Our intent is to ease up on the demand of anti-tank weapons and by having more of the other enemies give a better incentive for the group to bring stratagems and weapons that take care of hordes.
  • Patrols
    • Patrol spawning is now back to how it worked before patch 01.000.300 with some slight tweaks so that the levels are less empty if you are far away from important locations with enemy presence.
  • Stunning
    • Medium and large sized enemies now don’t get stunned as easily. This will not affect the stratagems that stun, and will mostly just affect how easily the Pummeler can stun larger enemies.


  • Bile Spewers & Nursing Spewers
    • Spewers will now get slowed if they lose their legs.
    • Spewer puke now applies the acid effect.
    • Spewer puke now can only damage helldivers up to 4 times per second and the helldiver cannot take damage multiple times from the same projectile. This should reduce instances where you are instantly killed by it.
  • Bile Titan
    • The Bile Titan’s head is slightly less durable against weaker anti-tank weapons. It’s not a large change, and will mostly matter for weapons like the railgun.

The Bile Titan’s puke can now only damage the helldiver 4 times per second and the helldiver cannot take damage multiple times from the same projectile. The damage is still very deadly so running through their puke is not recommended. Their puke now also has a bigger spread.

  • Charger Behemoth

The Charger Behemoth is now joining the battle on higher difficulties, it can now also take more damage than before. This enables us to spawn fewer chargers but still retain the difficulty.

  • Chargers
    • Will now only show bleedout effects from the body if the bleedout state has started. It can still show bleedout effects from the mouth without having started the bleedout state.


  • Hulk Scorcher
    • The Hulk’s flamethrower now does less damage and cannot damage helldivers more than 4 times per second. In addition, the helldiver cannot be damaged multiple times by the same flame projectile. This should reduce instances where you are instantly killed by it.
  • Automaton Tanks
    • The Tank armor value on the front has been lowered to be the same as the non-vent sections on the rear of the tank. The intent was initially that it was supposed to be more armored in the front, but the visual language did not show that.
    • The vents on the back of the Tanks turret still has the same armor value as before, but will check for explosion directions correctly now.
  • The damage of exploding automaton jump packs has been decreased by 50%, it will still set you on fire though.

Galactic War

Introducing Supply Lines & Origin of Attacks:

Supply lines were previously not shown on the Galactic War map to reduce clutter and improve readability. However based on the feedback from our community we have made an implementation showing them on the map. This solution tries to maintain the general readability while still exposing the system to players in game.

You will now also be able to see which planet an attack is originating from, potentially allowing for the community to stop the attack at its source.

We have also updated visuals in the sector and planet info pop-ups.


  • The FAF-14 Spear targeting has been reworked and should now function much better. However it has lost the ability to target Automaton spawners, this is not intended and will be fixed in the future.
  • Intense Heat and Extreme Cold environmental modifiers will now affect the Quasar Cannon’s reload speed and will show correctly in the HUD.
    • Reload speed on Cold planets -2.5 sec
    • Reload speed on Hot planets +2.5 sec
  • The radar pulse that detects enemies on the mini-map is now visible.
  • Most of Automatons weapons have now gotten tighter limits to how much the projectile they shoot can deviate from its weapons muzzle angle. What this means is that situations where devastators shoot sideways and similar should be fixed.
  • The weapons of the Exosuits are now allowed small adjustments in the angle they fire their projectiles versus their muzzle angle. This should make their weapons more accurate.
  • Ballistic shield now collides with grenades.
  • The unblock button should no longer disappear from the social menu.
  • Blocked players can no longer join the blockers lobby through recent players.
  • Fixed a bug where enemies killed, missions played, and missions completed stats would not be properly displayed in armory.
  • Fixed issue where the player can throw an unlimited amount of grenades by pressing the “Quick grenade” button right after closing the Stratagem menu.
    • Helldiver now also switches to the last active weapon when out of grenades, fixing the issue where they would be holding a stratagem ball without the stratagem menu being open.
  • Fixed some text overlap in various locations.
  • The burning effect applied to the player when a combat walker dies is now a normal burn. The intent is that you should be able to escape it alive. But you will be on fire so hit the ground!
  • The extraction shuttle can no longer take damage preventing extraction. New high grade materials directly from Super Earth R&D have been utilized.
  • On PC you can now navigate the super credits menu with “WASD” keys
  • Fixed an issue where sample count in missions were incorrectly displayed
  • Levels no longer generate with blocked areas preventing player progression.
  • Your Ships bridge is no longer cast in perpetual shadow.
  • Reduced situations where blue stratagems would bounce when placed next to the detector tower.
  • The warbond menu now displays correct emote & victory poses in the thumbnail.
  • War Medals cap is now displayed in the UI.
  • Fixed a bug where the Helldivers armor could appear invisible for other players.
  • Refined player reporting UI.
  • Fixed issue where Helldivers could be launched into the air if close to a Bile Titan or Factory Strider corpse.
  • Fix for Factory Strider sometimes spawned an extra model after being destroyed.
  • Reduced situations where helldivers could spontaneously die while walking into seemingly walkable valleys on some planets.
  • Fixed rare issue on arctic planets where players could spontaneously die close to large bodies of water.
  • Fixed Pelican-1 sometimes leaving immediately after any player gets onboard.
  • Fixed bug where helldiver could get stuck in grenade idle state after throwing grenades
  • Fixed Superior Packing Methodology not working for other peers.
  • Recent Players list will now include hot-joining players.
  • Relaxed disconnection policy for PC users.
  • Fixed an issue where previous sessions’ player names might not be saved correctly when restarting.
  • Defend event attack origin now visualized when hovering the planet with the defend event or the attack origin planet.
  • Implemented outlines for previously poorly readable texts.

Crash Fixes

  • General crash fixes.
  • Fix for a crash that could occur when applying wounds to multiple enemies.
  • PlayStation Only: Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause a crash when switching between Quality and Performance mode.
  • Fix for a crash when a player leaves after all their railguns have exploded.
  • Fix for crash that could occur when rejoining a previous session
  • Fix for crash that occurred when trying to throw a snowball in ADS mode
  • Fix for potential crash when loadout is aborted during hotjoin.
  • Fix for rare crash linked to leaving a session while aiming a weapon.

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PS5’s 2024 Release Schedule Is Packed With a Wide Variety of Games Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:35:47 +0000 The recent PlayStation State of Play left much to be desired, but 2024 marks PS5‘s most diverse lineup of games yet, which includes a healthy dose of console exclusives. We’ve already received the likes of Stellar Blade, Rise of the Ronin, Helldivers 2, and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, and there’s still more to come. PS5 […]

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PS5 games 2024

The recent PlayStation State of Play left much to be desired, but 2024 marks PS5‘s most diverse lineup of games yet, which includes a healthy dose of console exclusives. We’ve already received the likes of Stellar Blade, Rise of the Ronin, Helldivers 2, and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, and there’s still more to come.

PS5 games yet to release in 2024

The aforementioned games all released before we hit the halfway mark this year, and as pointed out by the PS Blog, there’s a lot more to come. Black Myth: Wukong will be out in August on PS5 and PC, followed by Concord, and Star Wars: Outlaws.

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions will launch on PS Plus early September, days before the positively-previewed Astro Bot will launch exclusively on PS5. Phantom Blade: Zero, which had a great showing at Summer Game Fest, is also releasing this year on PS5 and PC. Then, there’s Silent Hill 2 and Lego Horizon Adventures, both of which are console exclusives. Lego Horizon Adventures, like Astro Bot, has received very positive previews.

All of the aforementioned games come alongside the likes of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Assassin’s Creed Shadows, Dragon Age: The Veilguard, and Unknown 9: Awakening, ensuring 2024 offers PS5 players a massive variety of games to choose from.

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PS5 Discord Voice Chat and PSN Profile Sharing Detailed Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:49:29 +0000 Direct PS5 Discord voice chat integration will finally start rolling out over the next few weeks, with today’s system update adding support for the gradual release. In addition to this, players will be able to start sharing their PSN profiles starting next week via messaging and social apps. How to join Discord voice chat directly […]

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PS5 Discord voice chat and profile sharing

Direct PS5 Discord voice chat integration will finally start rolling out over the next few weeks, with today’s system update adding support for the gradual release. In addition to this, players will be able to start sharing their PSN profiles starting next week via messaging and social apps.

How to join Discord voice chat directly on PS5 and share your PSN profile

On your PS5 console, press the PS button to display the control center and navigate to the Discord tab within Game Base. You can then choose to join a Discord server or DM group, and select your preferred voice channel. Players will be able to see other channel participants and will also receive console notifications if someone calls them directly, giving them the option to join right away.

The Discord voice chat rollout will begin with Japan/Asia, followed by Europe, Australia/New Zealand, the Middle East, and Americas, in this precise order. Make sure to download today’s PS5 system update and link your PSN account to your Discord account by following instructions provided by PlayStation.

As for PSN profile sharing, download the PS App and select “Share Profile” or simply navigate to your profile page on your console and select the same option. This will allow players to generate a shareable link or QR code. Recipients of the link/QR code will have the option to add you as a friend right away provided that they’re signed into PSN.

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PS5 System Update 24.04-09.40.00 Adds Direct Discord Voice Chat Thu, 13 Jun 2024 11:22:51 +0000 Sony has released PS5 system update 24.04-09.40.00, the patch notes for which reveal that the company will soon roll out direct Discord voice chat integration. This update adds support for the gradual release over the coming weeks. PS5 system software update 24.04-09.40.00 patch notes (June 13, 2024) Complete patch notes for today’s PS5 firmware update […]

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PS5 system software update

Sony has released PS5 system update 24.04-09.40.00, the patch notes for which reveal that the company will soon roll out direct Discord voice chat integration. This update adds support for the gradual release over the coming weeks.

PS5 system software update 24.04-09.40.00 patch notes (June 13, 2024)

Complete patch notes for today’s PS5 firmware update are as follows:

  • Child accounts can now link and add third-party services and apps to their account for PlayStation Network to enjoy benefits and features that enhance their gameplay experience.
    • Younger players that use child accounts on PS5 can link accounts to use features like Discord voice chat, music streaming via Apple Music and Spotify, and broadcasting and sharing gameplay via YouTube and Twitch.
    • New parental controls are available for parents and guardians. These controls notify and allow them to manage their child’s account links with third-party services and apps. Availability may vary depending on age, parental control settings, and country/region.
  • You can now start or join a Discord voice chat directly from your PS5. Open Game Base in the control center and select the Discord tab to access your servers and direct calls.
  • We’ve updated the device software for the PULSE Elite wireless headset, PULSE Explore wireless earbuds, and PlayStation Link USB adapter.
    • PlayStation Link connection stability has been improved.
    • We’ve fixed an issue with the PULSE Elite wireless headset that caused the power to turn off when the audio cable is connected to the audio input jack.
    • On the PULSE Elite wireless headset, the status indicator that turns on after establishing PlayStation Link connection is now less bright.
  • We’ve improved system software performance and stability.
  • We’ve improved the messages and usability on some screens.

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PS Plus Games for June Include Daxter, Monster Hunter, and More Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:46:21 +0000 Sony has officially revealed the PS Plus games for June 2024. Available to subscribers on June 18, the lineup includes 2006’s Daxter and 2021’s Monster Hunter Rise. The other 12 games are an eclectic mix of shooters, strategy games, and more genres. There are even three different LEGO titles. What are the PS Plus games […]

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Daxter PS Plus games for June

Sony has officially revealed the PS Plus games for June 2024. Available to subscribers on June 18, the lineup includes 2006’s Daxter and 2021’s Monster Hunter Rise. The other 12 games are an eclectic mix of shooters, strategy games, and more genres. There are even three different LEGO titles.

What are the PS Plus games for June?

Sony’s PS Plus games announced for June include 14 titles, ten of which are available for both PS Plus Extra and Premium subscribers. The remaining four are only for Premium subscribers, with three being classics from the PS2 and PSP.

Sony PS Plus games for June

The following games are available for PS Plus Extra and Premium subscribers:

  • Monster Hunter Rise (PS4, PS5)
  • Football Manager 2024 (PS5)
  • Crusader Kings III (PS5)
  • Monster Energy Supercross (PS4, PS5)
  • After Us (PS5)
  • Anno 1800 (PS5)
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers (PS4, PS5)
  • Far Cry 4 (PS4)
  • LEGO The Hobbit (PS4)
  • LEGO The Incredibles (PS4)

The following games are available for PS Plus Premium subscribers:

  • Kayak VR: Mirage (PS VR2)
  • LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (PS4, PS5)
  • Ghosthunter (PS4, PS5)
  • Daxter (PS4, PS5)

Monster Hunter Rise and Far Cry 4 are the biggest names on the list. Released in 2021, Rise is the latest mainline installment in Capcom’s Monster Hunter action RPG franchise. Meanwhile, Far Cry 4 is the 2014 installment of Ubisoft’s open-world first-person shooter series. Both games saw a generally positive critical reception.

Meanwhile, strategy fans might want to check out the PS5 version of Crusader Kings III and Anno 1800. The former puts players in charge of a family of medieval lords, navigating warfare and court intrigue to build their legacy. Meanwhile, Ubisoft’s Anno 1800 combines city-building and real-time strategy against the backdrop of the Industrial Revolution.

Among the classic games Sony is adding to PlayStation Premium, Daxter and LEGO Star Wars II are the major standouts. Released on PSP in 2006, Daxter takes place during the two-year time skip in the opening cutscene of 2003’s Jak II. LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy released the same year, adapting A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi.

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Ex PlayStation Boss Responds to Phil Spencer’s Shots at Sony Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:01:55 +0000 Xbox boss Phil Spencer recently took aim at Sony over its PlayStation content exclusive deals, which has drawn the attention of former PlayStation executive Shawn Layden. Spencer, while talking about Call of Duty, referred to Sony’s past content deals with the franchise as “slimy platform things.” Spencer irked by PlayStation exclusive deals but Xbox has […]

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PlayStation exclusive deals

Xbox boss Phil Spencer recently took aim at Sony over its PlayStation content exclusive deals, which has drawn the attention of former PlayStation executive Shawn Layden. Spencer, while talking about Call of Duty, referred to Sony’s past content deals with the franchise as “slimy platform things.”

Spencer irked by PlayStation exclusive deals but Xbox has a history of them

Layden didn’t have any words to share, but did use gifs on X to communicate his thoughts very clearly.

Layden was also seen interacting with quite a few tweets that were either critical of Spencer’s comments or seemed amused by Layden’s response.

Many have argued that Spencer was making a general reference to platform exclusive deals, but he was specifically talking in context of Call of Duty’s 10 years of content arrangements with PlayStation.

Although Spencer has been a huge advocate of dropping exclusives, Microsoft continues to enagage in exclusivity wars, so his comments are a little baffling. Even if we ignore the Xbox 360 era, Rise of the Tomb Raider was famously taken off of PS4 for a whole year while Spencer was in charge. Games like Starfield and Redfall were in development for the PS5 when Spencer-led Xbox bought ZeniMax and pulled them off of Sony’s platform, and so on.

Let’s not forget Matt Booty discussing spending Sony “out of business.”

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PS5’s Rise of the Ronin Is One of Koei Tecmo’s Best-Selling Games Wed, 12 Jun 2024 12:08:52 +0000 Koei Tecmo previously revealed that Rise of the Ronin launch sales surpassed those of the Nioh series despite being exclusive to the PS5, and it looks like the game’s performance hasn’t slowed down. According to Team Ninja director Fumihiko Yasuda, Rise of the Ronin is currently Koei Tecmo’s best-selling game. Rise of the Ronin experiencing […]

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Rise of the Ronin sales

Koei Tecmo previously revealed that Rise of the Ronin launch sales surpassed those of the Nioh series despite being exclusive to the PS5, and it looks like the game’s performance hasn’t slowed down. According to Team Ninja director Fumihiko Yasuda, Rise of the Ronin is currently Koei Tecmo’s best-selling game.

Rise of the Ronin experiencing steady sales

In an interview with Denfaminico Gamer (via Reddit), Yasuda confirmed that Rise of the Ronin is doing well both digitally and physically inside and outside of Japan. He further said that the game, which released in March, is showing signs of having a long tail.

Yasuda added that Rise of the Ronin continues to reach new players, thanks in part to word of mouth. Koei Tecmo has yet to release exact sales numbers, but the publisher expressed satisfaction with Rise of the Ronin’s performance during its financial presentation in April. There was previously some speculation that Rise of the Ronin’s sales were negatively impacted as it released on the same day as Capcom’s highly-anticipated Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Earlier today, a massive Epic Games Store database leak led to speculations that Rise of the Ronin might eventually make its way to PC. On the PS5, the game was published by Sony Interactive Entertainment rather than Koei Tecmo.

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